Sunday, April 15, 2007

YouTube is rife with v-blog/response garbage. Here is an example of an exception

Thursday, May 25, 2006

The Anomic Highways

Anomie- n - The lack of social or ethical standards in an individual or group

Anomic- adj
Tags: Video Art

Isn't it funny that in order to get up off my lazy ass and post my Final Video Art I piece I am required to sit my lazy ass in front of a computer to do it? No? I know. It's actually really, really sad.

All false humility aside I am really proud of how the audio came out in this piece. I used a binaural beat generator for OSX and recorded various frequencies and patterns.

I don't think this video is slander. I'm not calling him a homophobe or anything though he very well could be. The title was actually the last thing I came up with but I feel that it is really important to understand. Anyway that's me (back when I had hair) he's courting so maybe he'd feel more comfortable knowing he's the one in control.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Guillotine Pretty

Piece #2 is up and I'm using youtube this time. Google Video felt too slow and not public enough. Plus everyone uses the Youtube ne?

I shot this in March for our second project. The stipulations for the piece was that it had to be shot within the small studio in Little Hall on campus. The audio was taken from this recent narration of an 80 year old film strip that recorded a conference in Brussels that was attended by the scientific Titans of the early to mid 20th century.

Anyway I liked how it came out and I hope the resolution/compression/whatever of the file on the internet hasn't mangled it or anything. Enjoy.

(Edit: err so aparrently youtube and Blogger aren't agreeing on any sort of alignment so my litttle blog looks even more like shit. I have no idea what to do so until I figure it out I'll just keep it looking extra shitty. )

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


I've decided to post my first Video Art I project up on the ol' blog. Not much to say about it. The requirements called for a one minute piece. I like how it came out. I know jack squat about compression and all that resolution stuff that relates to getting video clips up on the internet so if there's something jarring about the resolution that I'm not noticing I apologize. Here's the link to a bigger version. Though the only solid cultural cue arrives through the Shinto dance being performed, all of the objects employed in the piece have their origins in Japan.

An avid gamer might recognize the origin of the silhouette (Suda 51's killer 7) but I'm actually really pleased with how the sound turned out. I employed the use of Toshio Iawi's Electroplankton , specifically the Nanocarp mode, so it is a completely randomized audio track that has been, obviously, processed a bit. Lumiloop was also used.

Hopefully I'll get the second and third piece up sooner or later.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Yabba Dabba *cough* *cough* *hack* *cough* Do

-Thanks to TheWalkingDude on Digg

Friday, March 31, 2006

If you click here and still do not understand what is wrong with Fox News (and cable news in general) then I suppose it will never reach you.

(Edit: NSFW I belive)

Monday, March 13, 2006

Owls have shitty takeoff

Okay so let us recap the day's events so far.

-4:30 A.M Wake up for my 6:30 A.M flight to Florida on...Hooters Air

-5:30 Arrive at Avoca airport and pass through security with ease

-5:45 Informed that take off has been delayed until no later than 7:45 due to intense fog

-10:00 Take off (awful awful take off, was quietly hoping that as the plane cork-screwed into the earth shortly after taking flight I would quickly blackout and never have to feel the pain of being thrown about the cabin before my inevitable death.)

-10:30 Land in Allentown, PA to pick up more people

-10:50 Take off again (much better this time)

-11:55 Receive small meat-like sandwich from Hooters' stewardesses (who are wearing traditional flight-service wear and not their signature, and painfully depressing, restaurant attire.

-11:56 Check reverse side of napkin handed to me by Hooters' Stewardess to see if any thing like "meet me in the bathroom in five minutes, bring two condoms" has been written. Find only crumbs.

-11:57 Consume Meat-like Sandwich

-1:00 Plane touches down in St. Petersburg Airport, smooth landing, call mom to inform her to meet me at gate. Mom answers frantically informing that someone had just hit her car, says nothing more, and hangs up.

1:05 Get off plane.

1:10 Have no idea what the fuck is going on. Try to figure out what the fuck is going on.

1:20 figure out what the fuck is going on. Feel quite relieved that things should be all right.

1:30 Sit down in airport outside gate recounting day's events thus far. See Sleep